
Senin, 24 November 2008

low costDuracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB

Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USBis known as a product which is highly in demand at this time, Looking for details about Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB? Reading this you can 2dc a description of Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB

today. Whenever you are interested in very bestDuracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB, we advise the product will be the best solution.In case you prepared spending additional money for the Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB,you will need to execute a small bit of examine to make sure you buy the income effectively. Here I will present you with a bit more opinions about the Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB, so you've got a number of things to consider prior to buying any this Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USB
The Detailed Description of Duracell Instant USB Charger with Lithium Ion Battery/Includes Universal Cable with USB and mini USBFeatures
  • Mulitple charges for mobile devices. Fits any mini USB powered device. Also works with Apple & Micro USB device cords cords with USB tip
  • Up to 3 hours of back up cell phone power. Up to 50 hours of music playback
  • On/Off switch which efficiently conserves power.
  • Can be recharged 100's of times
  • Output Voltage 5 V DC

List Price?: $43.71

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Manufacturer Product Description
The Duracell Rechargeable Instant Charger gives you compact, on-demand power. It allows you to instantly charge many USB-compatible devices, such as your iPhone, iPod, or BlackBerry. The Instant Charger conveniently charges through your laptop or computers USB port and fits most mini-USB powered devices.*

*Consult device manufacturer for USB compatibility.

Power your cell phone or other devices

Using the USB cable or your device cable, connect your device to the Instant Chargers power port. Turn the power switch to ON. The LED status light will turn green, indicating that your device is charging.

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