
Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

special offerATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black

ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Blackis really merchandise that is completely preferred in the present day, Are you searching for knowledge about ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black? Reading this you will find 2dc information ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black

nowadays. Whenever you are browsing for bestATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black, we propose the product can be the best answer.If you are prepared to pay money additional money for the ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black,then you will want to do a small bit guide to ensure that you pay for the amount of money correctly. This I will give you a tiny instructions about the ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black, so you've a small number of to think about prior to you buying this ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,Black
The Detailed Description of ATC New All Channel Wireless Mini Rapid Automobile Car Charger Cigarette Lighter + FM Radio Adapter Transmitter /Modulator For Apple iPod / iPhone / iTouch 3G, & 3G S / Nano / Classic / Touch / Video MP3 player, -LCD Display,BlackFeatures
  • Uses very little power from your device
  • High fidelity, stereo, digital PLL for highest sound quality
  • No batteries needed
  • Supports portable iPhone 3G/3GS, iPod Nano1~5G, iPod Video, iPod Classic, iPod Shuffle, Touch, MP3, MP4 etc.
  • This unit charges your device when connected to the CAR Charger adapter

List Price?: $11.17

Product DescriptionTechnical InformationCustomer Reviews

Product Description

Do not support ipod shuffle

1. Frequency Band: FM frequency
2. Range: 88.1 ~ 107.9 MHz
3. Interval: 0.1MHz
4. Stability: -10C ~ 55C
5. Clutter & Harmonic: >= -60dB
6. Transmission distance: >=5m

Compatible with--
iPod 4th Gen 20GB (Color Display), 30GB (Color Display), 60GB (Color Display), 40GB (Photo), 60GB (Photo), U2 Special Edition, 20GB, 40GB
iPod Nano 1st Gen 1GB, 2GB, 4GB
iPod Nano 2nd Gen 2GB, 4GB, 8GB
iPod Nano 3rd Gen 4GB, 8GB
iPod Nano 4th Gen 16GB, 8GB
iPod Nano 5th Gen 16GB, 8GB
iPod Nano 6th Gen 16GB, 8GB
iPod Touch 16GB, 32GB, 8GB
iPod Touch 2nd Gen 16GB, 32GB, 8GB
iPod Classic 160GB, 80GB, 120GB
iPod Video 60GB, 30GB, 80GB, U2 Special Edition
iPhone 1st Generation 16GB, 4GB, 8GB
iPhone 3G 16GB, 8GB
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4

Package Included--
1 x NEW FM transmitter
1 x Car Charger

Note: iPhone is not included in the package

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